Sally in the UK says:
I am reading a wonderful little book for Advent; its title: "Do nothing Christmas is Coming!"
So this week’s Friday Five is simple.
List Five things you won't be doing to prepare for Christmas.
And while you are doing nothing play the bonus, put your feet up and listen to your favourite Advent Carol, and post it or a link to it...
1. Shopping much in malls or big box stores. As much as possible, shopping in local stores or church/craft fairs, or ordering handmade things online.
2. Traveling. I enjoyed our trip to City of Lakes last year, but it’s nice to be at home and expecting visits from our daughters and Onkel Hankie Pants’ sister and a new friend. Also not having to be in an airport….
3. I should be used to this by now, it’s the fifth year … but it still feels rather odd that no one in the family has any responsibilities for the Christmas Eve worship service. For so many years I read the children’s story and one or more other family members sang in the choir; church was at 5:30 and we had to be there around 4:45, with the big Christmas Eve dinner coming after church. It was hectic, but gave us a real feeling of being part of worship. Now our only responsibility is showing up – and church is so crowded that no one would notice if we didn’t. (And in case anyone from Big Taupe Church is reading this – ushering on Christmas Eve is definitely something I will not be doing!)
4. Buying things with a credit card. Not gonna do it.
5. Obsessing about perfection. Whether the food, decorations, presents, or whatever are perfect or not, they will be what they will be. Not that I won’t do my best, but then I will let it go.
Bonus: I didn’t get a chance to read through all the other responses yet, but so far no one has chosen this lovely hymn, Prepare the Way. I think the tune is one of those Swedish folk tunes which make such beautiful hymntunes. I’ve embedded one rendition by a good-sized choir and linked to another by a smaller one – both appear to be the same arrangement and each choir does a great job in its own way.
I love all of your answers. Thanks for dropping my blogging, where I felt Grinchy for saying "I won't. I won't. I won't." I'm more of "Sure! Why not?" person....
Have you ever been to the Fair at Y1P (which is tomorrow)? Apparently it's very, very nice. I had a look at a lot of the items today, and there are some really lovely things.
Thanks's for your comment. Maine is SO ahead of NY, which is-after all, a little BIG CITY at the bottom of a HUGE conservative FARM!
I love church sales, but never see to find them. I've tried to look online. They don't post them in the NY Times! Any suggestions? For some reasons, Catholic Churches don't have them...
I love your comment about letting go of perfection. Amen! It sounds perfect!
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