There is a t-shirt that says "Born in Maine, Living in Exile." I lived in "exile" (actually a very nice place) for 32 years, and returned to Maine in 2005. That's not necessarily what all this is about, just the only title I could think of at the time.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuneful Tuesday: Vegetables!
To the right is a photo of "ratatouille-to-be" that I took a couple of weeks ago after a visit to the Farmer's Market. Now we've eaten the ratatouille (it was a "roasted" version that I got from Last week, I went a little crazy on cucumbers (3 for a buck) so I need to start serving a dish of cucumbers with each meal before they go bad. So of course, I began thinking of this song, and thereafter of other songs involving vegetables. Sadly, I wasn't able to find a good recording of one of my favorites, "If you're anxious for to shine" from Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience, or, Bunthorne's Bride, where the advice to the would-be aesthete is to form "an attachment รก la Plato for a bashful young potato, or a not-too-French French bean." Try your local library. But here are a few more vegetable songs: 1. Call Any Vegetable, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, in a more recent version by Frank's son Dweezil.
2. I think the real name of this song may be "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off," but it's known to many for the line "You like tomaytoes, I like tomahtoes" -- or is it the other way around?
3. I used some basil, rosemary and oregano from my little container garden in my ratatouille, but thinking of herbs made me think of this song, and I found a somewhat different version of it:
4. And this, although not exactly a catchy tune, is a very interesting example of what one can do with vegetables:
I hope you enjoy these vegetable songs and that they inspire you to go to your farmer's market (or your garden) and get some more vegetables! And at least I've posted something that wasn't a Friday Five!
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For real! The Best!
Give 'em a try and let me know what you think.
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